Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
02.02.2015 (3688 days ago)


3688 days ago 10 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:


Note an evolving social media phenomenon.

Some people post to Facebook every time they grab a cup of coffee, buy a new pair of shoes or eat a meal. (You know I am not exaggerating). Others only share recipes or links. Some share family details with reckless abandon and others use codes to describe their children. There is an entire generation that seems to be slowly disappearing from Facebook. I know that its utility in stalking my children is waning.

When I posted a happy anniversary wish to my husband today, I actually stopped to ask why I was posting. We had already wished each other happy anniversary in person and cards multiple times. And I am pretty conscious of trying not to make annoying posts that clog news feeds and email boxes. So, I thought, what is the purpose of this post?

I concluded that I was enjoying a happy moment and that it was really ok to share it with my family and friends. Facebook was the medium of choice to make that happen.

What is your favorite use of Facebook? Conversely, what is your pet peeve about how others use Facebook?

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