

1775 days ago 12 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:LiveNation, Kings Theatre, John Fogerty, Jones Beach, A Good Feelin’ to Know, For What It’s Worth, Runnin’ on Empty, Songs for the Road, Apple Music

Looking back several weeks I wrote of concert plans. Earlier this week I emailed with my friend Jason about the postponement of an amazing show scheduled for last Thursday at the Kings Theatre; we had plans to see John Fogerty; from Fogerty’s site we knew for a few weeks of the show’s postponement but LiveNation only emailed something formal this week (that remains a whole other discussion and I read that many ticket holders expressed upset how many events continue to hold their funds despite canceled and postponed shows). We also chatted about the delay of some Jones Beach summer shows and expectations on the summer schedule. Already other shows for next month got rescheduled for the fall; others postponed with dates to be announced. In this environment, I found some respite in sports.

On the night I expected the see one of my all-time fave singer-songwriters, I instead hosted an impromptu draft party via video-conference. Not a large grouping, it nevertheless connected folks from my Basketball, Networking, Political and Pythian lives; some dropped in briefly; others stayed for more than awhile. It took my (our) mind(s) off the New York Pause so many of us observe. Even watching Friday eve and parts of Saturday helped. I read it garnered huge ratings; more than ever before. With all the rain that preceded the weekend, I expected to roll out my weed-wacker this weekend; I did and swept up tree “droppings” in my yard while listening and occasionally glimpsing parts of rounds 5 and 6 on my iPad. I also “deployed” my chaise lounge and a seat cushion for Shelly; we actually got to sit outside for maybe an hour as I put away the power washer and decided on a modest re-arrangement of my “outside office” setup – the chaise lounge now lies east (left) of the table just inside the deck as opposed to next to the back of the house (Shelly "reminded" me that she gifted me the chair lounge and the chairs we sat on over successive Father's Days.). As is traditional we capped off the eve with takeout (we actually get meals for tonight as well.). I listened to more draft on the ride to and my self-created “A Good Feelin’ to Know” Radio (station) on Apple Music. Only two songs “on the way home” (also a great song in and of itself), For What It’s Worth (which I used as a hint as to which band tee-shirt I was wearing during one Gotham video call last week) and Runnin’ on Empty (I had to turn it up), one of the mainstays of my Songs for the Road playlist.



RIP: Sir Kenny Danker, a dedicated, giving and committed Pythian, who we lost yesterday eve.

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