05.04.2019 (2122 days ago)

Extraterrestrial Visitation

Extraterrestrial Visitation
2122 days ago 8 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:


At 51,000 feet one can begin to discern the curvature of our planet’s surface . From far left to far right you can see 650 miles . The sky is deep blue and the air is still . And so it was 4 years ago as I commanded a Gulfstream Five from Los Angeles to London . 5000 miles on a Great Circle route . Nine hours . A presence . A muffled awareness . A bright ball of light . First on port side . My side . Next straight ahead . Next starboard side . Effortless . Zooming ahead and out of sight . At 70 degrees North Latitude . WE are being watched . Anybody else ?

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