Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
04.15.2017 (2885 days ago)

Even then...

Even then...
2885 days ago 5 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

As I prepare to celebrate Easter with my family, I am reminded how fallible we, humans, are. Even bible printers 300 years ago made mistakes.


In New Jersey, a 300-year-old Bible at Christ Episcopal Church sits locked in a glass case, untouched since 1916. It's opened to Luke 20, and that is not random. There, on the heading of the left-hand page, is one of Christianity’s most infamous typos.


Jesus’ parable of the vineyard, in which he assures grace for all believers regardless of how late in life they convert, is mislabeled “The Parable of the Vinegar.” It’s one of several misprints in this 1717 King James edition by English printer John Baskett.


I wonder who got in trouble for that; the printer, typesetter or the designer. Did he have to reprint it at no charge? The client must've been a bit angry.

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