Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives
10.01.2017 (2710 days ago)

Energetic Felling

Energetic Felling
2710 days ago 2 comments Categories: City Blogs Tags:Kosciuszko Bridge, Governor Cuomo

This morning after hosting some members of Shelly’s family the eve before for Break Fast, we woke early to observe “The Energetic Felling of the Old Kosciuszko Bridge.” We drove to 400 Kingsland Avenue in Brooklyn where we parked. A brief ceremony preceded featuring Governor Andrew Cuomo, Member of Congress Carolyn Maloney who secured the federal funding for the new bridge(s) and Member of the Assembly Joe Lentol who represents Greenpoint. Some friends in labor and government also attended. Energetic Felling means implosion but sounds better. Certainly an exciting moment to witness a positive moment in history

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