09.14.2017 (2720 days ago)

Empathic Gotham

Empathic Gotham
2720 days ago 6 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

As I tore myself away from CNN to write this blog, a zipper across the screen reported that power would be restored in eastern Florida by this weekend and in western Florida by September 22nd. I reflected. That's about the length of time that it took to restore electricity to our home after Sandy. Empathy. "The capacity to understand or feel what another person is experiencing from within the other person's frame of reference, i.e., the capacity to place oneself in another's position." Being empathic is easier when we have lived through similar circumstances. Or, when we know people who are living through the challenges, we live through it with them. Our fellow Gothamites in Florida, and those with personal ties in Florida, Texas and other affected areas, are in our hearts. And, with them, we must take action to move forward. There is a lot of empathy in our Gotham family. Every day we witness the remarkable response to our Hurricane Relief fundraising initiative. We are empathic and we are doing Good.

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