Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
06.12.2015 (3565 days ago)


3565 days ago 16 comments Categories: Tech News Tags:

I thrive on the email. I love it!


I find it so instantaneous and available that I just can't resist it. In that respect I'm fortunate that my friends are responsive and equally hooked. I can't imagine how I/we ever existed before email and I'm sure that Gotham, which is paperless, would be nonexistent without the advent of email at our onset 18 years ago. Most of my correspondence is by email, although I do have a few difficult to reach people who I have to text.

This is not to say that email is perfect or flawless. From time to time I run into situations where either my communication or someone else's is too black-and-white and misunderstandings occur.  This can be somewhat alleviated by the creative use of a :-) or two. However there are some people, who when I am with them face-to-face are so nice, convivial and funny, who come across almost mean spirited in email. :(

I wish I could tell you who you are, but the next time you send me an email please think of this blog. :)

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