Cayce Crown
Your Videyoda.
05.06.2015 (3582 days ago)

Ellis Island

Ellis Island
3582 days ago 9 comments Categories: City Blogs Tags:

Have you been?

I had the great good fortune to have to take a bunch of people there just this week.

One of the things I find most inspiring about it is, unlike most museums, at Ellis Island you actually walk where the immigrants walked, you can sit on the benches they sat on, you can almost hear those mispronounced names shouted and the 21 different languages of the people being spoken. The babies crying, the family whispers, the excitement and disappointment. You can get a copy of the ship's manifest with your relatives names listed. There's a great movie, too, narrated by Gene Hackman, also included in the price. And the views of Lower Manhattan are priceless.

Hurricane Sandy took quite a toll on Ellis and it isn't fully recovered, but there is more than enough to keep you interested and entertained for many hours. Audio tours are included in the price of your ticket.

Fantastic fun. And its just sitting out there in the harbor waiting for you to ride the ferry out.

A mini vacation.

The largest human migration in history.

What are you waiting for? It's right in your own back yard. And the weather is perfect.

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