Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
11.04.2016 (3050 days ago)

Election Day!

Election Day!
3050 days ago 26 comments Categories: Politics Tags:

Only 4 more days until Election Day!

Thank goodness.  I don't know about you, but I just can't wait for it to be over and done with. 

In all deference to our hallowed democratic election process, it has been a most harrowing and dreadful experience for me.  What about you?

Simply put, the election process is WAY TOO LONG!  I ran marathons in my prime, but I don't think I could endure the endless campaign grind and travel.  Give Trump credit, he's shown up all over the country and given 100% and Hillary never took a sip of water in any of the three 90 minute debates. 

The 24/7 news cycle and our own Politics List serve have been crackling and, to be honest, I'm just burnt out. 

One more thing, let's not let all this effort and money go to waste: please get out and vote on Tuesday!

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