Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
05.04.2024 (280 days ago)

Eating Eco

Eating Eco
280 days ago 8 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

No not some person or animal named eco but adopting an eco-friendly diet.


This occurred to me this morning when I tied up the garbage bag in the kitchen. We throw out so much even though I'm an ardent recycler. I found this...something to think about when you go shopping.


  • Start by choosing locally sourced produce, which reduces transportation emissions and supports local farmers.
  • Opt for organic foods to avoid the environmental damage caused by pesticides.
  • Incorporate more plant-based meals into your routine, as they require less water and land compared to meat production.
  • Reduce food waste by planning meals and using leftovers creatively.
  • Lastly, limit the use of disposable packaging by choosing bulk items and reusable containers.


I'm also looking into purchasing a table top composter. I feel the need to reduce my carbon footprint...maybe I'll just wash my feet better :-)

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