07.03.2023 (605 days ago)

Eating Cake

Eating Cake
605 days ago 5 comments Categories: Food Blogs Tags:

My youngest daughter is getting married in October in Rockland County. Next Sunday we have to travel up to the bakery to taste the different choices for her wedding cake. Then, after we all taste the assorted cakes, frostings and filling, we, along with my daughter and her fiancée and his parents, have to choose the type of cake, filling, and frosting.


I am extremely excited to travel to Rockland County to eat cake.  I love cake. I will taste every single piece of cake they put in front of me.


My husband is not as excited. If it was an ice cream tasting or a cookie tasting he would be excited as I am. But he is not a cake eater. He will partake in the experience, but I know he would prefer a tasting experience that included cookies or ice cream.


What would be your preference? Cake, cookies or ice cream? Or something else?

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