Cayce Crown
Your Videyoda.
04.01.2015 (3617 days ago)


3617 days ago 7 comments Categories: City Blogs Tags:

When I was growing up, Easter was a really big deal.

This was suburban Southern California and Georgia in the 60s and 70s.

We got a new dresses, had our picture taken, went to church and had an even more delicious Sunday dinner, than our usual one.

My mother was an excellent cook, perhaps a little heavy on the alcohol...

We had egg hunts and adorable stuffed bunnies, all very Episcopalian.

Then I moved to New York (long before the internet) and realized there were other faiths and atheists and all kinds of things and, of course, there were Easter celebraters, but many other celebrations as well.

When my mom died in 2006, I found out I was part of the first American Jewish families.

Thats another story.

However, I still am not sure what I want to be celebrating.

What is your family doing this weekend?

Maybe that is one of the beauties of living in NYC, not Indiana, that we accept everyone in all their mongrel glory and everyday is a day to celebrate.

Mostly I'm glad to have a day off to spend peacefully.

There's always the Easter Parade.

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