Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
10.20.2017 (2694 days ago)

Early Morning Caper

Early Morning Caper
2694 days ago 23 comments Categories: Games Tags:

I don't want to jinx the Yankees or Aaron Judge by writing about their present ALCS standing, but this story grows out of it. 

On Tuesday night Paul Napolitano took me to game 4 ot the American League Championship Series, which was a "must win" as our Yanks were down 2 games to 1.  The first half of the game went poorly and we were losing 4-0 with 9 outs to go.  All around us the muted fans rolled out their rally caps and Paul asked me "What happened to your lucky shorts?"  Of course, I would not go to the game without my lucky shorts, but because it was cold I was wearing them under my jeans.  At Paul's prodding, I dropped my trow and revealed my lucky shorts.  They are pictured above.

Of course, as soon as my shorts were released, the Yankees proceeded to put on an incredible rally and came back to win the game 6-4.  However, while we were jubilantly driving home I was charging my phone in Paul's truck and when I got home I forgot to retrieve it.

This is where the story goes from sublime to ridiculous. I immediately made contact with Paul and he promised to leave my phone in the milk box on his front porch for me to pick up the next morning. I went to sleep and woke up at 3:30 in the morning and being wide-awake decided to venture over to Oyster Bay to pick up my phone.

As expected, there was no early morning traffic and it was eerily silent. When I got to Paul's street I found his truck and went to his front porch, but could not find the milk box or my phone. I went back to my car and got a flashlight and went poking around the front porch in the middle of the dark night and was so frustrated I considered ringing the doorbell to wake Paul.  I felt like one of the Beagle Boys of early Disney lore.

I finally gave up and as I was returning to my car with no idea what I was going to do I saw another truck parked in front of another house and when I approached it I realized that it truly was Paul's truck and I quickly found the milk box on his porch and my phone.

If there is a moral to the story I'm not sure what it is, but I do know I was very fortunate not to be apprehended as a night prowler.  Hopefully there is no surveillance video.

At least I wasn't wearing my "Lucky Shorts"!

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