Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
07.02.2021 (1352 days ago)

Dylan's Lyrics

Dylan's Lyrics
1352 days ago 22 comments Categories: Music Tags:

Can you believe I really don’t listen to the words of a song?

Talk about being one dimensional!

What’s more, I don’t read books.  I listen to them.

As a consequence of this unusual quirky combination, I recently heard Dylan’s lyrics of The Times They Are-A Changin’ for maybe the very first time.

Here’s how it happened. I’m listening to a very recent book about Dylan, The Double Life of Bob Dylan by Clinton Heylin (pictured), and in it Heylin describes Dylan’s process of writing The Times They Are A-Changin’ and as Heylin spoke the lyrics and described the writing process, presto, I heard the words!

What’s more, in an ensuing volcanic rush of creativity, I connected Zim’s amazing prophetic spoken words to my “Up is Down and Down is Up” mantra and, Super Presto, I wrote last week’s Up is Down and Down is Up blog!

What unusual traits do you benefit from?

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