Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives
10.25.2020 (1600 days ago)

Stoppin’ Traffic

Stoppin’ Traffic
1600 days ago 10 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Other topics always intervened. And something nice occurred yesterday but covering it follows a different timetable. As Friday’s blogger knows and experienced, and like Saturday’s blogger (aka “wheelman”), this commentator knows how to and skillfully weaves in and out of slower moving traffic where poor or just lazy drivers slow things down inappropriately.

Some drivers ought NEVER enter any interstate or limited access highway.  Some do not know how to gently ease on to a highway off an entrance ramp. And thinking to the title of wheelman's blog, the many idiots behind a wheel who gawk across the highway at an accident or other stoppage -- the the totally unnecessary practice known as rubber-necking.  Others race down a ramp to beat a few cars rather than gradually ease into traffic; those selfish drivers create unnecessary stoppages.

Other stupid (and unsafe) practices involve changing lanes across three or four lanes to reach an exit or off ramp, pseudo races - mostly notably on the Belt parkway from Flatbush Avenue to past JFK Airport, and moving too quickly from the right lane to the middle lane after entering a highway rather than easing into traffic.

I taught my children to go beyond defensive driving; I shared the importance of awareness of other lanes, cars further ahead and behind, just plain stupidity and disrespect and selfishness on the part of other drivers.

Other things off highways on local streets and main road that deserve reprimands including double parking, blocking bike lanes (though some lanes make no sense where placed), blocking bus lanes (more camera enforcement should make a difference) and parking in bus stops — which prevents riders stepping safely on the curb - very unfair to elderly riders.

Hoping you are not a driver described above.

If you fit above descriptions please tend to some self-improvements.  All will thank you.


After enduring the above, enjoy some Songs for the road!


Enjoy the Chris Hillman song that inspired the title

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