Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
11.20.2021 (1189 days ago)

Doughnuts and coffee

Doughnuts and coffee
1189 days ago 13 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

You know, you learn something everyday and today I learned that flamingos like doughnuts and coffee. No joke.


The Granby Zoo in Quebec, Canada, reported that a pink flamingo escaped last Wednesday and was found a short time later loitering in the parking lot of a Tim Hortons. Karl Fournier, director of animal care at Zoo, said "To reassure everyone, there wasn't a special on coffee at Tim Hortons." 


However, customers reported the flamingo approaching them in the parking lot poking at their Tim Horton's bag...


Could it be that's how flamingos stay so pink?


BTW, the flamingo (also known as Joe) was calmly captured and taken back to the zoo. Fournier reported, "Our flamingo is doing well."  He neglected to add that they brought a dozen doughnuts back with them to the zoo...

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