11.17.2013 (4116 days ago)

Donation By Guilt

Donation By Guilt
4116 days ago 5 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

It is clever.  And it works, if by guilt alone.


My mail has at least one solicitation for a contribution each day, some days I get many.  From hospitals, research groups, schools, care facilities, veterans groups, Jewish organizations, name it, they are looking for money.   I give to whom I chose, but now they are making it difficult.

They are sending me return address stickers with my name and address printed on them.  These are very convenient to have.  Some send a nickel or dime glued to the donation form.  And yeterday Sloan Kettering sent me a tote bag with my initial on it.

Now comes the problem.  Do I keep the gifts and not send in a contribution?  Of course, that is why they do this.   Sure, I didn't ask for it, but it seems either I should send in money, or send back the stickers or dime.

So I have a bunch of return address stickers, most of them with ugly designs on them that I would never chose, and they are costing me in donations more than if I had ordered them on line in the first place.  Guilt works.

All for a good cause I suppose.

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