08.02.2015 (3493 days ago)


3493 days ago 6 comments Categories: Baby Blogs Tags:

I have to say, I never liked my name. Of all the possible choices in 1954, why Donald? The most famous Donalds are a cartoon character and....another cartoon character.


I did a little research on this.  Apparently, the name, of Scottish and Gaelic origin, peaked in popularity in the 1920s hitting number 10 on the most popular list.  By the mid to late 50s it took a nose dive and by 2013 hit number 415. (Better than Fred.  That peaked in the 1880s and by the 1990s it sunk to 629 and then disappeared off the chart.)  Can't say I know any babies named Donald.


There is some good company though, Sutherland, Adams, Knotts, King, Shula and Amece.  And two serial murders, Donald Hume and Donald Neilson.


Maybe we will have a president with that name and it will come back in vogue and there will be all these little Donald babies born in 2016. We will be back up on the charts!

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