12.30.2013 (4075 days ago)

Don’t Bother Me; I’m Reading

Don’t Bother Me; I’m Reading
4075 days ago 12 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Anyone who knows me knows that I love to read. My husband will tell you that I can easily go through, at least, one book per week. I also used to love going to the library and bookstores. There were certain bookstores, especially small used bookstores, where I used to be able to spend hours.

Last year, my husband gave me a Kindle. My love of books themselves made my transition to using a Kindle something difficult to commit to. But, one year after making the move, I have been completely won over by my Kindle. When I pack to go on vacation, I no longer have to make room for five or six books, I just toss my Kindle into my handbag.

Since books are so readily available-all I need is an internet connection-I do find myself reading a wider range of books. And, when reading a trilogy such as “Fifty Shades” or the “Hunger Games” when I completed one book in the series, the next was readily available. I am so used to the instant gratification of books being readily available I found myself very frustrated when I had to wait a month for publication of the third book in the “Divergent” trilogy.

My new favorite function is the sync function. Last week I took the train into the city. As I took my seat on the train, I realized that I had forgotten my Kindle. I then pulled out my iphone and turned to the Kindle App. I was able to continue on in my current book right from where I left off the evening before.

I do miss my trips to bookstores and, rarely if ever, find myself in our local library. I feel guilty about the effect electronic readers have had on small bookstores. But I am completely hooked on my Kindle.

How do you read?

Happy New Year Gotham!

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