Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
12.24.2021 (1177 days ago)

Doing It Was The Reward!

Doing It Was The Reward!
1177 days ago 22 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Our granddaughter Maggie came home from college for the holidays last week and stayed with us due to illness in her home. 

Her stay was highlighted by our parenting her through previously scheduled LASIK eye surgery.  

Was she nervous?  Was there anxiety?  Were there thoughts of backing out?  Of course!  

She’s so down to earth.  So human.  So natural.  So good!

We were empathetic, encouraging and when she weathered the storm and came out the other end we were so happy when she tearfully exclaimed “I can see!”

Our unusual circumstance was a unique “once in a lifetime” bonding experience. 

When Maggie left to go home (pictured) we were all so sad, but knew it had been very very special. 

When she thanked us for our “Klein Aftercare” I said, from the heart, “It was a top 10 life event and that the doing and experiencing it was the reward!”

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