Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives
07.14.2019 (2070 days ago)

Doin' Fine (or Doing Fine)

Doin' Fine (or Doing Fine)
2070 days ago 19 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

I found myself perusing my calendar. Many a friend shared how they feel Summer’s Almost Gone.


Of course the preceding phrase made me think of a song from the Doors iconic third LP, Waiting for the Sun. We only are in the second weekend of July. All of August remains and two full weekends and more of the current month.


I recall as a youth that summer seemed a long time; not that I welcomed its end.


I like summer unstructured; never really liked day camp.


For me a big difference from past summers involves no more September primaries and the campaigns that “interfere” with the enjoyment of summertime with my wife otherwise off.


This summer includes some visits, including a few flights. It includes concerts of course; some set; some perhaps to get added to our “schedule” (or maybe just mine – it depends). Some get-togethers already took place; some more remain and others we hope to schedule.


I also find I enjoyment sitting outside all different parts of the day, including my outdoor office


Sometimes the best part of the summer involves nothing on the schedule and just pulling something nice during that afternoon. Just that occurred yesterday evening.


So share in the comments how you find your summer so far. Do you feel it’s almost over?


I think mine is proceeding along just fine. Doin’ Fine (or is that Doing Fine).


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