03.09.2020 (1826 days ago)

Dogs v. Cats

Dogs v. Cats
1826 days ago 6 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:


Ever since I met my husband’s cousin, Jack, he always had a dog. First there was Bailey. And then recently, a few months after Bailey passed, he adopted Shelby from a local shelter.


Last night Jack was talking about the cat his daughter recently adopted, Milo. In talking about Milo, Jack laughed about Milo’s antics and spoke about how cute he thought Milo is. At one point Jack said, “I always thought I was dog person but, after being with Milo, I’m not so sure.”


I also always thought that you’re either a dog person or cat person. I always considered myself a dog person but I am looking forward to meeting Milo. What do you think?


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