01.28.2015 (3694 days ago)

Do You Have a Problem With Deflated Balls?

Do You Have a Problem With Deflated Balls?
3694 days ago 5 comments Categories: Entertainment Blogs Tags:

The talk the past week and a half has been all about Tom Brady, Bill Belichek and the New England Patriots.  The Deflate-gate controversy has the entire sports world buzzing (and justifiably many sick of it).  We won't even mention the two week-long continuing flurry of "deflated ball" jokes.



For those of you who don't follow football, one of the teams in the Super Bowl next Sunday was accused of deflating their batch of footballs in last week's Conference Championship game.  Deflated footballs make the ball easier to grip and thus easier to throw, catch and most importantly, to avoid fumbling.  While many have justifiably remarked that the conference final game was a blowout, it is also a fact that the Patriots running backs didn't fumble the ball the entire season.  we really have no idea if or how often they have been doing this.



The opinions range from Patriots fans who think it is all about jealousy, to the most militant folks who want to kick the Patriots out of the Super Bowl. I know many fans are sick of the Patriots and sick of losing faith in their athletes.  The truth is though, that this really isn't the end of the world.  I believe they should be punished by taking away their first round pick next year, but to insinuate that this transgression is symbolic of the end of the world as we know it is just too much.



How do you feel about Deflate-Gate?

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