Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
03.11.2013 (4381 days ago)

Do You Do It?

Do You Do It?
4381 days ago 8 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

I do. With some frequency, actually.

Last week, Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer banned telecommuting, a practice that had become welcomed and accepted throughout her workplace. The change caused quite a stir (as did her controversial 2 week maternity leave last year after the birth of her first child).

Telecommuting has become so commonplace in today’s workplaces that it is touted as a critical tool for talent retention. Ms. Mayer’s expressed concern, however, is that lack of interaction has negative impact on the creativity and productivity of Yahoo employees.

This workplace change received much attention in the news, mostly negative. Much of the commentary was around women’s issues, some arguing that retracting the policy was taking women backwards a generation.

I know that I have had positive experience with telecommuting. Where do you come out on this issue?

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