07.10.2017 (2786 days ago)

Do You Believe?

Do You Believe?
2786 days ago 4 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

I read an interesting article in the New York Times recently. It appears that the adult son and daughter of real estate mogul Philip Milstein-whose wealth Forbes estimated at $3.1 billion in 2015- believe in life after death. They reside in The Dakota in New York City and, given the history of the building, appear to believe that ghosts reside therein.


Their belief in the ghosts is so strong that they have taken to hosting séances in the apartment they share with their parents. The apartment that they reside in and host their séances was once occupied by composer Leonard Bernstein. Interestingly, the séances  are heavily attended by their equally connected and wealthy peers many of whom report successfully contacting Mr. Bernstein.


Before you dismiss their séances as the whimsical acts of an entitled  heir and heiress, note that they both graduated Ivy League colleges and, reportedly, are both huge philanthropists. When questioned by The Times about their belief in the supernatural and the afterlife they both strongly asserted their certainty as to the existence of ghosts.



Do you believe?

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