07.02.2020 (1716 days ago)

Distant Summer

Distant Summer
1716 days ago 10 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

The current issue of The New Yorker arrived at our home the other morning. As is our practice, we allow our mail to “sit” for a day or so before handling it. The cover - see the picture - just stared at us from its perch on the floor.
A picture we felt compelled to share.
And when we picked up the magazine, we learned that the
painting on the cover is titled “Distant Summer” by the artist Gadir Nelson.
As we anticipate this month of July - with its heat, displaced plans, and multilayered discomfort - we gaze upon the painting and contemplate its title.
As we all go though this together, I do what I rarely do and ask you to share as we all stand before this painting.

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