Carly Bentley
Freckled Strawberry Fields Forever
08.19.2020 (1670 days ago)


1670 days ago 5 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Disruption can carry positive and negative connotation. Personally, disruption is a catalyst for fresh ideas. A shake-up, if you will. Stirring, while uncomfortable, can be life changing. Usually an outside force disrupts us to go another direction. Immediately, we fight the change and push back to “normal”, or maybe the word “normal”could be interchangeable with “comfortable.” In discomfort, we grow. Some of my most difficult situations, where I could not see my way through to the other side of difficult, turned out to be the biggest blessings. At times, I can be impatient for the change that serves me. In waiting, I’m reminded that better, brighter, opportunities emerge. Opportunities that I never would imagine possible. Trust the process. Can you share a time what you wished for something, but the contrary came to pass? Were you pleasantly surprised? Maybe even happy?

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Adversity stimulates alternative thinking sometimes revealing the previously hidden but optimal way forward

Posted By : John Tooher