Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
03.15.2019 (2193 days ago)


2193 days ago 25 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

In Key West there is a practice called the “Local Discount” of 10% for “Locals”.   We somehow qualify and appreciate it.  Usually we are noticed as “Locals” and automatically receive it.  When we are not, I sometimes request it.  

A discount is certain amount or percentage deducted from the usual or posted price (a whole blog could be written on what is the actual price) of something.  

Discounts are given, for instance, to Senior citizens, active military members, students, veterans and members of various affinity groups.  

This gets me to what I’m driving at.  It is a fact that there are nearly 330,000,000 people in our country and an estimated 10% of us are left handed.  That makes 33,000,000 of us in this Lefty group. 

That makes us one of the largest affinity group in our country.  What’s more we are recognized as leaders, smart and creative and I for one hereby demand our rightful 10% Lefty discount!

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