06.25.2014 (3912 days ago)

Dining Italian Style

Dining Italian Style
3912 days ago 10 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Well, Uraguay advanced to the knockout round of 16 in the World Cup.  That's the good news.



The bad news is that their star player was guilty for at least the second time of actually biting an opponent.  Yes that's right , Luis Suarez one of their star players (what appears to be essentially out of nowhere) bit an Italian player in the shoulder.



I know as Americans we love to win, often it seems like we'd do anything to win.  I honestly believe that if an American did that (especially for a second time), he would be kicked off the team and banned for life.



For a country like Uraguay, this could be their biggest sporting event.  What do you think?  Should he be banned by his own team even before the league decides to rule?

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