Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives

Desperately good

Desperately good
2396 days ago 10 comments Categories: Music Tags:Desperate Measures, New World stages, Lucille Ball, Lauren Molina, Shakespeare

We saw – and very much enjoyed – a musical last night at the New World Stages. Desperate Measures, very loosely (better to say barely) based on Shakespeare’s Measure for Measure, proved a delightful musical. Recommend you see it. Every time I glanced to my right, I saw Shelly smiling. Female lead Lauren Molina seemed to channel Lucille Ball with her facial expressions. The plot might not play well in the era of #Me2 but you do not think about it. As a country-rock enthusiast, I found the music particularly comforting and the lyrical rhyming cute.

Corey at Desparate Measure billboard

It makes for more fun, from my viewpoint, when those around me, even strangers, express enjoyment at a performance. Indeed, the audience cheered each number as if we were at a rock concert and laughed at the jokes.

And of course, Gotham played a role (Imagine, two blogs in a roll touting our tribe; last week I wrote and posted, “Gotham works.”). I met “Dr. Judy” at the Friars Club a few times – not sure if it followed a Gotham meeting, or one of the mayoral forum Fred Klein got me involved co-producing – and we exchanged cards; a few weeks back she emailed suggesting we attend a performance.

My original plans for last night involved pulling together a BBQ; I remain firmly convinced Shelly prefers last night’s plans. And there might not be a BBQ until the Gotham Picnic and Softball game next month (catered as usual by the extraordinary “Saidy’s Cafe”).

Go see it if you can.

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