Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
07.15.2023 (547 days ago)


547 days ago 16 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

I had called Verizon Thursday afternoon to complain about their coverage. It has gotten worse over the past 6 months. Areas which usually showed full bars now barely have two and sometimes the coverage is nonexistent.


The woman who took my call told me I had to update the SIM card in my iPhone and gave me explicit instructions which I followed...after we disconnect, turn off your phone, remove the SIM card, turn your phone back on and snap the QR code she was going to sending me through email.


However, the email never came and my phone could not make or receive calls or texts. Subsequent calls to tech support ended up in a wildly frustrating experience. I had a dinner to attend so I left the house with a nonworking cell phone.


The next day while driving to and from appointments I needed to make a call. I thought where can I stop to make a phone call but realized there is no place to do that. No phone booths anywhere! Maybe stop at a Starbucks and ask someone to use their cell phone? 


Our dependence on cell phones is complete. 

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