07.10.2023 (598 days ago)


598 days ago 5 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Are you a good delegator?


During Covid I let my assistant go.  It made economic sense at the time. Since that time, I have had the opportunity to evaluate the tasks she typically performed as I have had to do almost all of them myself.


 Unfortunately, I learned that a lot of her work was just repetitive of my work. For example, she paginated my documents but  I also paginated as I created the documents. So, there was no need for her to spend time doing so. During the past two years I have really been learning what work I truly need to delegate and what I can continue to perform myself.


Just recently, I have been exploring seeking assistance with the tasks I can delegate,  those that do need require a lawyer to perform.  I have found that even with those tasks, and even when I find good help, I am still having trouble delegating the work to someone else.  I think that, for me, I am having trouble giving up control of the work even though I have learned that it can be, and should be, delegated to someone else.


So I am back to the question I posed at the beginning of this blog. Are you a good delegator?



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