Cayce Crown
Your Videyoda.
09.07.2016 (3092 days ago)


3092 days ago 6 comments Categories: Health Tags:Angelou, Sondheim, Joan Rivers, Flights, delays

How do you handle them?

Maya Angelou* says "I've learned you can tell a lot about a person the way they handle three things: rainy days, lost luggage and tangled Christmas tree lights...

I might add, the way they handle no access to their newly-moved-in office on Labor Day, but the point is the same. As Stephen Sondheim so gloriously wrote in West Side Story:

Boy, boy, crazy boy,
Get cool, boy!
Got a rocket in your pocket,
Keep coolly cool, boy!
Don't get hot,
'Cause man, you got
Some high times ahead.
Take it slow and Daddy-O,
You can live it up and die in bed!



I had to meet a flight this morning and it was delayed by nearly THREE hours. At first, I thought of how this was screwing up my whole day, eventually I came to my better self and thought Life's an adventure, enjoy the moment.

I'm still learning to stay cool, calm and collected while having all my crazy feelings.

I mean, its not personal, is it?

Life goes by fast. Enjoy it. Calm down. It's all funny. Next. Everyone gets so upset about the wrong things. - Joan Rivers




* recent data suggests it was not Maya Angelou, but its a great quote anyway.








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