Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
09.09.2013 (4199 days ago)

Defining Moments

Defining Moments
4199 days ago 5 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

You know (because I probably talk about it way too much) that my daughter is an avid public speaking competitor. We were talking recently about the fact that her favorite speeches usually begin “The date was XXXXXXX” followed by a distinct description of the moment. That observation started us talking about the dates or moments that define each of us. I am still thinking about my own “defining moments”.

I know “September 1980” defines me – I went away to college and from home for the first time.

I know that “April 1981” defines me – I was talking about my then undecided aspirations with my neighbor Rita Bergman and she said “why don’t you go to law school?”

I know that “Christmas Eve 1990” defines me – standing on line for 2 hours waiting to get into a club (a Jewish Singles event if you must know) I talked to Bill and the rest is history.

I know that “Novemberish 1996” defines me – Fred walked into my office and said “We’re forming a networking group” to which I said “Great! What’s a networking group?”

Do you have a “defining moment”?

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