03.03.2013 (4386 days ago)

Decisions, decisions

Decisions, decisions
4386 days ago 7 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

They say great men make great decisions.  I think of this when I am confronted with my morning ritual, which, on Sunday, includes what to write.  I often wake up Sunday morning, as I did today, blank.


First comes the cat and what to feed her.  She has many choices including all sorts of fish and meats in the cans stacked up in the pantry and I try to keep up the variety.  What is she in the mood for, I wonder, without really a clue.  But I pay attention and try to remember her favorites.


While the coffee is brewing next comes the choice of coffee mugs.  We have many in the cupboard, filling two shelves.  One from every college our kids have gone to, from every vacation, favorite rock bands, etc.  This takes careful thought as the selection sets the mood.  On weekends I prefer my largest, heaviest mugs; they feel more relaxing and comforting.  One of my favorites was a big black Disney mug with Donald Duck on it.  But seeing it was missing for a long time, one day I was visiting Eve in her office and I saw it there on her desk.  I am still deciding whether to reclaim it.


Next I have to pick an espresso spoon for my coffee.  I have about 90 of them.  Don't ask where they came from, but some are very nice and I chose them carefully like someone chosing dice on a craps table.


Finally, all in place, I sit down to write on my Sunday morning, if I can only think of something.


I start the day a man of great decisions.

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