Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives
09.22.2019 (1995 days ago)

Decade (aka an anniversary)

Decade (aka an anniversary)
1995 days ago 16 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:Gotham Picnic, Gotham City Gazetter

It’s the name of a Neil Young compilation from 1977 covering 1966-1976.


A ten-year period that gives some meaning to a relationship many in Gotham believe spans a time much longer.


It involves Gotham and I did not even mention it at the Picnic which included a competitive softball game that ended on a controversial play: a ball rolling foul got picked up while still fair but ruled foul and being a third swing playing three swings, became the final out.


If fair, we score the tying run. Oh well. A tainted win.


The March 2016 Gotham City Gazette tells the story. So, if you know it not, please click the link to learn all about it.


And I still keep my bat and cleats in my car.


The actual anniversary falls tomorrow. It involves this correspondent and Friday’s blogger.


(The day ended on many a high note though. Shelly and I attended a King Crimson concert also an anniversary of sorts - 2019 Celebration Tour - at Radio City.  View the setlist.)

King Crimson at Radio City Music Hall, 2019-09-21

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