Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
11.04.2022 (863 days ago)

Day Light Saving Time

Day Light Saving Time
863 days ago 23 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

The expression goes: All good things must come to an end.  But do they?

Honestly, who doesn’t like Day Light Saving Time (DST)?

Light at the end of the day just has to be a mood enhancer.  Yet the dark, depressing time of the year will shroud us early Sunday morning.

We should have DST year round!

As far back as the 1700s, sagacious Ben Franklin proposed it to save candles and the energy saving logic applies to this day.  

It was not until 1918 that DST was initiated as a wartime measure to add more day light to preserve energy. 

Who could possibly want more light in the morning if you could trade it for sunlight on the way home from work? Farmers?

We need to start a movement!

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I have no issue with it now but when I was working and marathon training I had to get my run in at 6 am. I loved not having so much darkness

Posted By : Janet