05.21.2015 (3581 days ago)


3581 days ago 9 comments Categories: Entertainment Blogs Tags:

Last night was David Letterman’s last show.

I wasn't a big David Letterman fan over the years but I was quite impressed with the recognition, accolades and respect given to him during the last few weeks’ countdown to the final show. I watched some of the last shows with interest -- he certainly had everyone who is someone in the chair for a last encounter. The old tapes put things in perspective and made me feel that, indeed, we’ve come a long way. I was reminded of his sensitivity after 9/11, his heart surgery and the birth of his son, Harry. And some of the antics (like throwing stuff off the roof to a smashing end in the street) were slightly more-amusing than when I first saw them.

A few weeks ago, I wouldn't have thought that I would miss him, now I'm not so sure. Will you miss him?

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