Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
06.11.2021 (1373 days ago)

Dave Barry

Dave Barry
1373 days ago 27 comments Categories: Books Tags:

Last night the North of 25A Book Group hosted a Zoom discussion with Pulitzer Prize winning author Dave Barry.


Our group had read his wonderful, humorous and poignant  2019 book, Lessons From Lucy.  Lucy is his dog :)


Having been turned around/converted about dogs 8 years ago by the advent of my beloved Charcoal, the book resonated especially for me, eg, when she knows we’re about to go for a walk she first wants to play “keep away”.


Dave (after reading the book and chumming with him on Zoom, I feel like we're close friends) sums up the affinity between man and dog perfectly: Nobody loves you the way your dog loves you. When you’re with your dog, you may mentally be elsewhere, but your dog is not; your dog is always right there with you. When you’re gone, your dog is waiting for you to come back, so it can be with you again. Because being with you makes your dog happier than anything else.


So true and I hope you share that wonderful feeling with me.  If not, you are missing out and my advice is that you should look into acquiring a rescue dog.


Big Thanks to previous featured Book Group author (Laugh Lines) Alan Zweibel (and co writer of the recently released movie Here Today starring Billy Crystal and Tiffany Haddish) for facilitating and moderating our Zoom event.


The Lucy book had an unexpected ending which brought tears to my eyes and the Zoom visit was both fun and enriching.


Thank you to Dave for all that you did, including singing, plus all the participants and our guests.


Next up Tom Piazza!

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Comments from Guests
Our 14 year old rescue AxelFoley “woofs” in agreement. Help a rescue animal out. Dave Barry proved to be a really funny, down to earth, regular guy with a heart. His book, “Lessons From Lucy” is a quick read or a 4 hour Audible breeze of a listen, skillfully narrated by Mr. Barry himself. There will be tears of laughter, angst & joy but not disappointment. Thank you to this group of unusually gifted men and women for allowing me to share this rousing book club session.

Posted By : Spartacus

Our 14 year old rescue AxelFoley “woofs” in agreement. Help a rescue animal out. Dave Barry proved to be a really funny, down to earth, regular guy with a heart. His book, “Lessons From Lucy” is a quick read or a 4 hour Audible breeze of a listen, skillfully narrated by Mr. Barry himself. There will be tears of laughter, angst & joy but not disappointment. Thank you to this group of unusually gifted men and women for allowing me to share this rousing book club session.

Posted By : Spartacus