Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
12.01.2020 (1544 days ago)

CyberMonday and Tuesday

CyberMonday and Tuesday
1544 days ago 11 comments Categories: Holidays Tags:


I look forward to CyberMonday every year. True, it can sometimes turn into an expensive distraction but its fun nonetheless to look for the sales.

Given the complications of shopping in a pandemic, it seems that this year’s CyberMonday could be CyberSeason. I admit I’ve started to buy a few things. The sales this year seem to be better than ever. And I am more confident than any year prior that all of my shopping will be completed online.

Have you started your holiday shopping yet?

[And if you need a few things, come and visit with LI Women on 12/15 where we are devoting our meeting to holiday shopping! Gotham’s own version of CyberMonday.]

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