Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives


2783 days ago 12 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:reunions, Kindergarten, elementary school, Junior High, High School

Saturday was one of the special days.

It repeats each year.

It includes many folks and circles surrounding two friends who go back together to Kindergarten in the same nabe.  I only got to know them in high school.

But for them it includes boys and girls who grew up together, attened the same elementary, junior high and high school, and for many of them, same synagogue and bar and bat mitzvah years.

For me I tell others it involves a high school of sorts -- every summer.  Some I see other times, some relatively frequent and often.  We enjoy each other's company.  Though we share many memories the talk focuses more on families and daily iife and plans.  Continuity.

Since it does involves high school, some regular attendees also go back with me to Junior high or even my public school, where I play my weekend and Tuesday evening (full court) basketball games.  At least one regular and I even go back to summer camp.  Imagine.

This year, it included even a friend from my law school class (interestingly, a bunch of us look to get together in the fall and I muse whether than non-anniversary gathering might morph into its own version of yesterday's BBQ.

By the way, it even enjoys its own cool name, "Cubbyfest."  (Thank you host Kirby and "Chef" Jeff who "staffs" the grills.

Do you enjoy regular gathering of classmates or friends from a particular expeience?








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