Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
04.26.2024 (324 days ago)

Cuba Libre

Cuba Libre
324 days ago 24 comments Categories: Food Blogs Tags:

Cuba Libre is my favorite 5:00 adult beverage while I am in Key West. For those unfamiliar, it is a mix of rum, coke and a squeeze of lime. To say the least it tickles my fancy. Especially when sipped from an old fruit jar :)

Allegedly, it was named at the dawn of the 20th Century by an American Captain stationed in Havana during the Spanish-American War who hoisted it while toasting "Por Cuba Libre" ("To a free Cuba") and just like that a catchy appellation was born!

My first experience with this sweet libation occurred when I tasted the drink of aspiring around the World, single sailor, Guy deBoer at New York Ranger, Stanley Cup winning, hockey coach Mike Keenan's Super Bowl party.

Since then I've been hooked and imbibe one every day at 5:00.  

Try one. I guarantee you'll like it!

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Comments from Guests
You brought back great memories from 1998-2006.
In this period I took seven delegations of scientists to Cuba and this was our favorite drink. Next year when I will be again in Florida for Passover I will join you in Key West for a drink.

Posted By : Zafra Lerman

I love Cuba Libres!!!! Have not had one inn a while--appreciate the reminder Fred, I am not in Key West but I think I can still get one on the Upper West Side! Wish me luck!

Posted By : Judy Katz