Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives
09.18.2022 (889 days ago)

Creatures featured

Creatures featured
889 days ago 5 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:Alley Pond Park, Alley-Springfield, Gotham

Folks know my preference to work outdoors. Not hard labor (of course I have the ability); just setting up on my deck with much the same accoutrements I enjoy at when in my office (where I draft today’s commentary). The internet, cordless phone, iPhone, iPad and MacBook all facilitate a seamless transition from a desk inside to a comparative outside setup. The mobile devices even ease working a bit inside a park as I did taking my coffee early at Alley (Pond Park)-Springfield before the 11:00 a.m. Gotham gathering at BBQ Area Grey near the playground and parkhouse. The Park analogy was interesting; a lot of people using it; other than some ants patrolling a picnic table no observed wildlife (Pet dogs count not here.). I contrast that to my home outside setup. I have frequents visits – more pass-by’s by a black squirrel Black Squirrel who runs atop my fences and those of my neighbors but frequently runs by my desk, even one time stopping by the portion where Shelly may join me.

Squirrel on desk

And numerous birds take up spots along the cable and phone wires; more recently a pigeon hung out on a fence gazing at my neighbor’s yard.


I do not recall this frequency of visitations but the reminders of nature offer a fresh element to working outside

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