Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
05.23.2020 (1748 days ago)

Covid Rage

Covid Rage
1748 days ago 20 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Boy are we angry...having been out and about (don't worry, mask and gloves are on) I cananger tell you that people are angry. Apparently a lot of pent-up tension.


The drivers on the road are excessively agressive which is saying a lot around here. Retailers are getting screamed at in a plant store ?!? They are in a store which has beautiful flora and fauna and they are angry about the establishment running out of basil...


Doctors call these rage attacks; sudden, out-of-control bursts of anger which can start without warning. They are usually out of proportion to what triggered the episode.


We can’t always control the situation we’re in or how it makes us feel, but we can control how we express our anger. And we can communicate our feelings without being verbally or physically abusive. Even if someone is pushing our buttons, we always have a choice about how to respond.


Let's all breathe a bit more and connect with our fellow human beings. Grab a cocktail and join in Gotham's Happy Hour on'll be glad you did.

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