Nancy Schess
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10.06.2020 (1560 days ago)

Counting Blessings

Counting Blessings
1560 days ago 13 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:


I do that a lot these days. Most times, one of my blessings is that I have so many on my list! A nice place to be.

On this week’s blessing list is my mom. We just celebrated her birthday (and in family tradition I am not allowed to publish exactly which one . . .) Occasions bring reflection.

I know that my mom taught us all how to love and the meaning of family and caring. She grew up that way and has always demonstrated a commitment to people -- some who she doesn’t even know. My dad grew up in a different kind of environment and he always said she taught him that too.

I remember a story my dad used to tell. My mom worked in Manhattan for years and commuted on the LIRR. One day, he met her in the city and they were taking her regular train home. As the arrived at Penn Station, she insisted on using a particular staircase to descend to the track. My father thought that was odd but went along. As the approached the top of the staircase he understood. Apparently, for months (maybe longer), my mom had been helping the same elderly man descend the tracks. She told my dad that this gentleman had trouble walking and she was worried that he would miss the train home without his help. She didn’t even know his name.

Happy birthday mom and thanks for all the things I learned from you. I know my family has benefited.




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