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05.30.2020 (1741 days ago)

Coping with Anxiety - Guest blog from Sylvie Beljanski

Coping with Anxiety - Guest blog from Sylvie Beljanski
1741 days ago 7 comments Categories: Health Tags:

TV is still showing people hugging, holding hands, buying cars, and all this feels like telltale's of another era. Shall we ever go back to what looks now, retrospectively, like happy days?



We struggle adjusting to the new reality, but have faith that we will get through this together. Therefore, during this difficult and unprecedented time, we will continue in our role of supporting the Wellness Community, by bringing you timely information and expert’s views.


As we are getting out of confinement, the risk of becoming infected with the coronavirus is likely to increase. Older people are generally at higher risk for severe symptoms, but that's not always the case: a healthy older person with good lungs and in good shape might be better off than a younger person with a heavy smoking history.


Obviously, chronic illnesses like obesity, lung problems and heart issues are risk factors. But there is also a rampant enemy of our health that we often live with; day in, day out, ignoring to what extent it might be detrimental: our own negative emotions. Centuries ago, Socrates was criticizing the doctors of his day for separating the mind from the body. It is now scientifically accepted that the emotional centers of the brain are connected with the immune system, the nervous system and the hormonal apparatus.


So, in these difficult times we are going through, it is more important than ever to resist drowning oneself into anxiety and depression. Antianxiety drugs called benzodiazepines (Xanax, Valium), antidepressants (Prozac), and sleeping medications  - if anxiety interferes with sleep - may be obtained with a prescription; however, if you are reading my blog, you are probably more interested in feeling better naturally. Exercise, meditation, journaling, aromatherapy (lavender may be especially helpful), CBD oil, and a pet’s companionship, are all great ways to deal with anxiety in a natural, non-addictive and non-toxic manner.


When symptoms subside and those techniques are not enough, therapy can help a person to understand what triggers their anxiety, and how to make lifestyle changes to replace negative reactions with positive or constructive alternatives.


Finally, remember that choosing a healthy diet, along with Vitamin C and Vitamin D3, or a good multi formula with natural vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, will help you day in and day out to remain on top of things, and stay positive and open to the next good thing life will surprise you with.


Stay well my friends.

Sylvie Beljanski


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