Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
09.22.2020 (1630 days ago)

Continuing the Conversation

Continuing the Conversation
1630 days ago 16 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Because it is important.  Corey and Rona started this conversation.  It deserves to be continued.

In the same steps as Rona, I also started my career in the late 1980’s as a young Jewish lawyer walking behind RBG.  Rona and I were actually young lawyers together at the same firm.

I didn’t really know RBG at the time.  I didn’t know that that she had fought the fight for me and was continuing to be my champion.  I wish I did.  I certainly didn’t know that she would be continuing that fight for the rest of her life.

I have always been surrounded by strong,  super smart, independent women deeply committed to their families and doing the right thing.  All of my closest friends fit neatly into those categories.   (You all know who you are).   Each of those qualities defined RBG — and she was also from Brooklyn.  Icing on the cake for me.  So I have concluded that we should have been friends.   I have this fantasy of RBG sharing a bottle of wine with me and a group of friends just  talking about the world.  Imagine what that would have been like.

Raising a daughter defined by those same traits was always important to me. RBG paved the way.  I remember my daughter and my dad having a conversation when she was younger than 10 years old.  She was talking to him about being interested in pursuing a career to find a cure for a particular illness.  He innocently responded that path would mean she would have to go to medical school. She looked at him as if he had two heads and said “Of course!”  The thought never crossed her mind that she had any limitations.

Rest In Peace Notorious RBG.   They say “may your memory be a blessing”.  I think that means it is up to us to carry on her legacy.

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