Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
11.03.2018 (2318 days ago)


2318 days ago 11 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

I was observing my own actions this week as well as the people around me how considerate, or inconsiderate, we all are. My unscientific study yielded some interesting results.


I've noticed people not holding the door open, push to go first at the supermarket and speeding up so the driver, who has their blinker on, can't move into their lane. It seems to me that people are just not that considerate as much as they used to be. I held the door open yesterday for a person who was behind me and they didn't even say thank you.


Someone close to me just said "It's no longer part of the American way to be considerate of others."


Be kind

Is it the sign of our times or something else? What if we all started holding the door open for the person behind us. How about something little like pushing our chair back in.


Let's use the broken windows policing strategy. Take care of the little things and the big things will start to change.

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