Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
03.24.2018 (2542 days ago)


2542 days ago 16 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Tooling along in the right lane, south on rte 135, last week at about 60 mph (cruise control), listening to a book, heat seater and steering wheel heater on, and I'm enjoying the moment.


A blue Subaru mini SUV pulls up to my left in the middle lane and slows down. They position themselves just off my left front bumper. Then, without notice, they move into my lane. I step on my brakes while simultaeously downshifting to avoid an accident. The Subaru, seemingly unfazed, continued driving and got off at the next exit a half mile later.


I contemplated many things; pulling up next to them and giving them an angry glare, moving ahead of them and cutting them off like they did to me, taligating them and honk incessantly or maybe even flash my headlights. I did none of those things as I watched them get off the highway.


When my anger subsided I felt sad for them. It became obvious to me that they are not a considerate person. They probably don't hold the door for anyone or even consider other people's feelings even when interacting with their important relationships. I would guess they're unhappy, unfulfilled and will never reach true enlightenment.


Use turn signals

If only they had the consideration to use their blinker to indicate what they are doing. But of course they don't because they know where they're going...

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