Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
04.08.2016 (3245 days ago)


3245 days ago 11 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

It is a simple fact that for a network to work, be it electrical or social, it requires connections, be they mechanical or mental. 

Gotham is a cornucopia of connections which hum day by day around the clock.  Connecting

Of course, one of the secrets of success is to be a connector or go to guy or gal.  

The formality of this verity is encapsulated in Gotham's mantra: It's better to give than receive, but what goes around comes around. 

After Gotham's 18 years of existence our mantra is tried and true.  Delivery systems are through our magic wand Fredslist (our on line Tribal Trading Post according to Steve Lichtenstein) and state of the art web site.  

\We are a business-social network with multiple far reaching out posts.  Using law for example, if someone posts on fredslist that they need a lawyer in LA I email my fraternity brother Ron Litz who is happy to facilitate as are Gothamites Richard Gaines in Florida, Josef Volman in Boston or Lari Schwartz or Meri Stoma in New Jersey.  Or if someone has a medical malpractice claim in any of the 50 states Annamarie Bondi-Stoddard accesses her network.  

We are here to help in every way and all we really want in return is feedback.  

So let's all get to work and center the Universe.

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